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Here at XMODZ we always give 100% satisfaction for our customers. In the rare case that our customer has any issues we will then try our very best to resolve it. If for the extremely rare case that we cannot fix the issue we will then provide our customer with a full refund.


Sign up - When signing up to our website we keep all customers records safe and stored away and only XMODZ will have access to this info when you make a purchase. No other 3rd party will have access to these details.


When a purchase is made we request we will request your Xbox log in info via out Contact Us page as this is a secure line for us to receive such info that only XMODZ will have access to. Once mods have been applied to your account we will wipe/remove any saved info you have given us from our system.


- Credit / Debit Cards


Due to our products being digital we do not provide refunds.

We will only issue a full refund in the rare instance that the mods we have applied to your account have not worked and we have failed to retry doing the mods.

We will also keep screenshots as proof of the mods to confirm we have correctly and successfully completed the transaction.


All our mods are 100% safe and you will not receive any type of ban to your account as we use our mods offline on your account to bypass any cheat detection software on the game of which you want mods for.

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