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What you get:


Unlocked radio allows you to recruit Red Talon to your community free, get 5,500 prestige every 45 minutes, spawn tons of cars, supply drops etc.



Spawn 30 Vehicles
Spawn up to 30 different types of vehicles into your game, including police cars, fast cars and more.



5,500 Prestige Every 45 Min
Since Recruiting Red Talon is now free, recruit both types then reject them for the refund.



Recruit Red Talon Free
The cost of recruiting Red Talon to your community has been changed to free.



Spawn 50 Supply Drops
Spawn over 50 different types of supply drops, including weapons, gas and more.



FREE Rucksacks
You'll be able to spawn a supply vehicle with 1 of each type of rucksack in the trunk.



Call for Traders
Call for any type of trader, even without a trader leader in your community.

Unlocked Radio

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